Fyll i din e-postadress för gratis uppdateringar om Vedby-Rönne IF Seniorer
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Klicka på bekräftelselänken i det mejl vi skickat dig för att börja ta emot uppdateringar från Vedby-Rönne IF Seniorer.
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My old team from England is coming to Sweden next weekend and we are going to play a friendly match against them at Vedby on Friday evening (28 May).
To avoid players getting injured or tired before the weekend (we have A and B team matches next Saturday and Sunday) we need as many as possible to play on Friday.
We will probably play 7 per-side. Match will start at 18:30 (samling 18:00). Everyone is invited to play but please reply on here by Wednesday 26 May at the latest if you are playing.
The English guys have promised to come and support us at the Östra Ljungby match the next day too so it could get quite interesting there once theyve had a few beers.
If you have any questions just call or text me on 0705 77 63 23
Strand, please send my inloggingsuppgifter to mdcusick1@hotmail.com
I dont remember the penalty Strand - just seeing the shot from the rebound leaving my left boot and disappearing off towards Perstorp.
Still, if englands mest snefotade back genom tiderna wins the skytteligan (Micke Persson, Frederik Viebke, and others, hang your heads in shame) would we really have had a chance in the kval anyway?
Om du vill kan du skriva den här så fixar jag till det också skickar jag inloggingsuppgifter till dig.
E det någon annan som inte har sina inloggingsuppgifter så kan ni bara säga till så skickar jag nya till er.
min e-postadress finns inte registrerad under truppen.. :S .. hur fixar man det ?
Matchen mot Sösdala blev inställd pga regn.