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Please I would like to talk here not privately. and I would like all to know what is going on.
as I have received a message on my phone.
Please, if someone can't deal fairly with the kids, I think they should step aside, and all parents are ready to help the best they can.
Also, I appreciate what you are doing ( all trainers), but I will also appreciate it more if kids are treated fairly.
I know there is no fairness every were, but my child played 6 games and other kids played 11, this is not acceptable.
(Behavior and Effort), all Kids do the same behavior and effort, no one kid is better than another.
Mohamad was called last year for just 5 games, and another kid played for 11 games, so it is very clear that there is no fairness in dealing with kids. Actually, if I was speaking Swedish, I will help in, but I don't.
Of course we are doing the best we can to make it as equal as possible for the kids. Now we have two teams which makes it possible for 20 kids, in stead of 10, to play one game a week. But we have more than 20 players in this team so we will still have to take presence, behaviour and effort in count for who is going to play the game each week. All players are needed just as much for the team to move forward!
Hi Marlin and all,
I hope this year all kids are going to participate equally in all matches, last year Mohamad played in 6 games, and some other Kids plays in 11 games.
Also, Mohmamad was called for Just 5 games and he was called the day of one Match.
So, please there are no kid better than another.
Yesterday Mohamad get a foul and he should do shoot not another kid, as I said there is no kid better than another.
Hej på er alla glada ☺
Oliver H. Kan tyvärr inte vara delaktig i träningen idag, men vi hoppas att ni har det otroligt trevligt och kör försiktigt
Hej på er! Så roligt att se hur ni säljer från kakservice, fantastiskt jobbat!
Om ni inte registrerat er och lagt upp er försäljning via länken nedan får ni gärna gör detta, alternativt lämna er beställning till mig. Absolut senast 7/3 måste jag ha in alltihop, för samma kväll ska jag beställa så vi får våra kakor!!
Lämna beställning till mig/tränarna på tisdagens träning, skicka en bild till 0704287576 eller lägg in det via länken!
Kör hårt de sista dagarna!!!
Mvh Petra, Gustavs mamma
RapporteraTycker ni tränare gör ett toppen jobb 👍.