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A-lag Damer

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Enköpings Base- och Softballklubb
A-lag Damer

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  • 9 maj 2006 johanna

    hej hej
    härligt spelat alla i helgen, var roligt att få komma igång igen
    ser fram emot helgens matcher,
    ni får träna hårt allihopa, så ska
    jag passa på å pressa i solen :)

    vi ses på sönda
    kramar johanna



  • 8 maj 2006 cassen

    hej alla softboll systrar vad gör ni då



  • 8 maj 2006 cassandra

    hej alla glada



  • 7 maj 2006 Natalie

    hello My Softballsisters !! Good job at match today ( 7 maj ) Good..

    who are we?? Softballsisters

    1-2-3 Huuuu !!!



  • 7 maj 2006 Tiffany

    Hej Softball Sisters!

    I just wanted to tell you all how proud I am of all your hard work this last week!!! We had lots of trainings and weve really improved and have come together as a team. Im really looking forward to our first games together.

    Lets play hard, smart, and "clean."

    See you all at Romberga IP at kl. 10:00.

    1-2-3- Huuuuuuuuuh!!!




  • 4 maj 2006 Tiffany

    Hej Hej Truppen!

    Good job at practice on Onsdag!

    We will have practice (training) on Torsdag from from kl. 1900-2000 (Kolsangskolan) and on Lordag from kl. 1500-1600+ (some players may want to stay for a little "extra" training). Im not sure where yet for the Lordag training. Ingrid is checking on possibly Romberga IP for us.

    If you read this, call a teammate (Softball Sister) and tell her!!! We need everyone to come, especially in this early part of the season. We are learning a LOT and conditioning, so that we can play better and be safer during the season. There will not be so many practices (trainings) later (after Maj), but for now, we need to be tough and dedicated to ourselves and our Softball Sisters!!!

    Who are we? Softball Sisters!
    1-2-3...Huuuuuuuuuh! :)

    Pain is temporary pride is forever!!!

    Kramar --




  • 3 maj 2006 ida

    hej hej....MINI SER TILL ATT KOMMA PÅ TRÄNIGEN IDAG KL18:00 om du har träning i fatboll så kom så länge du kan eftersom att du va på ica och kopte glass igår så kan du nog komma på träning också......l

    1-2-3 huuuuhhh :)



  • 2 maj 2006 Jonna

    Hi everybody! Ive been resting my arm from both softball (as you noticed) and baseball too. But its getting better.
    But I just wanted to say that I cant come on the game on sunday :/ because I have a soccer game at the same time + the seniors(Westerås) have a game too..



  • 2 maj 2006 Tiffany

    Hej Truppen,

    No OUTSIDE training today. We will meet INSIDE at our regular time (kl. 1800-2000) at the Bergvretsgatan Lokal for training videos and discussion.
    Practice tomorrow (Onsdag) from kl. 1800-2000 at the grusplan at Kolsangskolan.




  • 2 maj 2006 johanna

    Hej Hej

    Im not coming to the training tonight. Its raining here in Västerås and I guess its the same whether in Enköpng, so I will be there on saturday instead. Im going to study tonight.
    What u think about training before the game on sunday instead of saturday?

    see u all this weekend, we will play some really good softball, really looking forward to the games

    hugs johanna

