Sloga Basket 14/15
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Sloga's helgschema 18-19 Jan
Sloga P 14/15: Träning: Lördag - 18 Jan kl14:00 - Liljeforsskolan. Sloga U-14: Match: Sloga - Hudiksvalls, Ungdomsserier pojkar - Svea HU14 Lördag - 18.Jan kl.14:30 - Fyrisskolan Sloga U-20: Match: Djurgården - Sloga Söndag - 19 jan kl16:30, Tellusborgshallarna 2 Superettan herr: Match: Sloga - Djurgården Söndag - 19 Jan kl17:00 - USIF Rosendal Lycka till alla och kom och heja på Sloga om ni kan!
Sloga Basket 14/15
för 2 dagar sedan
Inställd träning 1/3
Träningen som skulle hållas den 1 mars är inställd på grund av ett evenemang
Sloga Basket 14/15
för 3 dagar sedan
Sloga = Gemenskap
Slogas slogan: Gemenskap! Ordet ”gemenskap” och lagsporten basket har en stark koppling, då båda handlar om att samarbeta och bygga en enhetlig helhet. Gemenskap innebär att människor delar ett gemensamt mål, stöder varandra och arbetar tillsammans för att uppnå något större än vad en individ skulle kunna åstadkomma på egen hand. På samma sätt kräver basket, som alla lagsporter, att spelarna arbetar som ett team, där varje individ spelar en viktig roll för lagets framgång. … See more Our slogan: Fellowship! The word "community" and team sport basketball have a strong connection, as both are about working together and building a unified whole. Community means people sharing a common goal, supporting each other, and working together to achieve something greater than an individual could accomplish on their own. In the same way, basketball, as all team sports, requires players to work as a team, where each individual plays an important role in the success of the team. In basketball, communication is required, understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses, and mutual trust. The players must feel that they are a part of something bigger, and that their performances contribute to the team's collective. This sense of belonging and mutual respect is at the core of the community, both on and off the field. Basketball is therefore a clear example of how community is not only a social feeling, but also a practical condition for achieving success in a team sport. The Serbian word "Sloga", which means unity or cohesion, captures this essence perfectly. It expresses the importance of working together towards a common goal and reminds that without cooperation and solidarity, whether on the basketball court or in everyday life, it is difficult to achieve anything significant. Everything we do has a red thread we call Sloga. We are proof that you can get through all adversity and challenges as long as you have clear goals, for which you humbly work. Sloga requires patience, and it is perhaps the most difficult thing for us humans. To adapt, to teach others to adapt, to raise grown people, to raise our children. Through Sloga, we learn that it is these qualities, patience and adaptation, that build both strong teams and a stronger society. Be a part of the Community! Be a part of the Sloga! #slogauppsalabasket
Sloga Basket 14/15
för 4 dagar sedan
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