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Engelska skolan
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Hi! On Saturday 27/4 there is an EBC in Umeå. IES has one team this EBC which will be in the age group year 3-4. However we want all our players to be able to play so of course year 1-2 are allowed to play aswell.
We will go to Umeå in a buss together with the rest of KFUM Basket Skellefteå’s teams.
I don’t yet have the exact time that the buss will be leaving and arriving back home so I will update soon.
Us coaches will be with the players all day.
It will be a long day so make sure to bring lunch and a snack. Don’t forget sport shoes and your orange t-shirts.
We will update the times when I know for sure when the buss will be leaving and arriving. We will meet up at Folkparken and the busses will later comeback to Folkparken.
Please comment if you are able to come along so we know how many players we will have. :)
Träning | 24 feb, 16:00 |
Easy Basket matcher | 1 mar, 09:00 |
Träning | 3 mar, 16:00 |
Träning | 10 mar, 16:00 |
Träning | 17 mar, 16:00 |
Aliyah & her mum
Tino will come and would like to reserve a sit in the bus.
För Kian krockar det tyvärr med annat så han avstår den här gången
Alicia and her mum
Analaya kommer
Chika will come
Hamdani will come
Kareem will join
Kareem will take the bus
Update, it turns out that for parents the trip cost 100kr and for players it didn’t cost anything:)
Var är ni i väg, har ni hunnit till Skellefteå?
Framme nu