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Engelska skolan
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This EBC we have made a few changes. To make it easier for us to coach. We’ve decided too split our team up into two teams. This won’t change much since we can switch players from one team to another so if you feel like playing more you can, if needed, play for both teams.
When you are not playing a game yourself you can either stay and watch or leave and be back 15 minutes before the next game. The ones who aren’t playing one of the games will play in the next game.
For the first game we want Kareem, Alvin, Oscar, Analaya, Hamdani and Teo to be there at 9:45. If your name wasn’t on the list you can come anyway if you want to. Because you might get to play anyway. But you can also wait until the next game and be there at 10:45.
We hope that everyone is excited to play on Saturday and that someone might even want too stay around and watch one of the older teams play against Höken at 16:00.
Remember to bring a waterbottle, a pair of indoor shoes, your orange shirt (if you don’t have one you’ll get one there) and lunch and maybe even a snack since we will be there for awhile.
I hope that everyone is excited to play!
Träning | 3 feb, 16:00 |
Träning | 10 feb, 16:00 |
Träning | 17 feb, 16:00 |
Träning | 24 feb, 16:00 |
Easy Basket matcher | 1 mar, 09:00 |
Where is the ECB taking place? Would you have the address to share.
Cliff är sjuk och kommer inte vara med idag.
Laboratorgränd 13, 931 62 Skellefteå