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Järfälla Basket
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City Summer
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Skotteknik fotisättningar
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Koordination och basket Singel
Kamp och returtagning
Grundrorelserna Kugghjulet
Grundrorelser med insidespelare
Gora sig fri
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Bollscreen Näve ver
Boll styrlinjer
Beat the pro
Avslutsrörelser nära korgen 2
Avslutsrörelser nära korgen 1
BASKETSMART 2 Stegringen
BASKETSMART 1 Grundprogram
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:1
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:2
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:3
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:4
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:5
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:6
Youth Basketball Fast Break 1:7
Youth Basketball Defense and Rebounding 1:1
Youth Basketball Defense and Rebounding 1:2
Youth Basketball Defense and Rebounding 1:3
Youth Basketball Defense and Rebounding 1:4
Youth Basketball Defense and Rebounding 1:5
Youth Basketball Defense and Rebounding 1:6
Youth Basketball Lay Ups 1:1
Youth Basketball Lay Ups 1:2
Youth Basketball Lay Ups 1:3
Youth Basketball Lay Ups 1:4
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:1
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:2
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:3
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:4
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:5
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:6
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:7
Youth Basketball Shooting 1:8
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:1
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:2
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:3
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:4
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:5
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:6
Youth Basketball Ballhandling 1:7
Youth Basketball Body Control 1:1
Youth Basketball Body Control 1:2
Youth Basketball Body Control 1:3
Youth Basketball Body Control 1:4
Youth Basketball Body Control 1:5
Youth Basketball Body Control 1:6
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