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HU18 Vit
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Good morning,
As you know, this Sunday we play in Nyköping, but we have a plan that is slightly different than usual. Both P-07 and P-06 play the same day at the same place, one team after the other.
Because of that, we will have a couple of things working a bit differently. First of them, we will all leave Eskilstuna at 13:00 and we will come back together, just to make sure we have enough cars and drivers to fit everyone that is playing. Besides that, it is also a good chance for the kids to support each other and create some club culture.
For the first game, P-07, we play at 15:00. The list of players involved is:
- Benjamin
- Lewis
- Arwid
- Denis
- Sigge
- Mirza
- Anashe
- Dagmawi
- Daniel
- Alfons
- Yousef
- Alvar
For the second game, P-06, played right after this one at 16:45, we will have:
- Harry
- John
- Hjalmar
- Sascha
- Ferry
- Ville
- Maykel
- Samuel A
- Sigge
- Benjamin
- Lewis
- Arwid
Please write in the comments who can drive so we can fit everyone there. In total, we are talking about 20 spots for players. I will be in Nyköping since Saturday, so I don’t need a spot to go there, and I will be waiting for you at the gym. I would only need two spots to come back, if possible. If not, I will pickup the train back here.
Remember we have the last practice before the game on Friday at 10:00. See you then.
Inga kommande aktiviteter
3 feb | Nyhetsbrev v 6 |
21 jan | Nyhetsbrev v 4 2025 |
13 jan | Vårt nya skyltfönster |
16 dec | Nyhetsbrev v 51 inkl veckans matcher |
9 dec | Nyhetsbrev v 50 inkl veckans matcher |
Hej! Jag har plats åt Mirza och en till.
Vi har plats för Sigge och en till. (Eventuellt ytterligare en till om det behövs.)
RapporteraJag har Arwid och plats för två till, ( ev ytterligare en till, liten bil, trångt, killarna börjar bli så stora!!
Hej, vi kommer behöva åka hem efter första matchen, då vi är bokade på annat håll. Vi har plats för en till, men som sagt vi åker hem efter första.
Vi kommer från annan ort direkt till matchen.
Jag kan köra, jag har 2 platser
Jag har två platser
The second game has been postponed, so the 07's go by themselves and we can come back right after the game.
Anyone know the correct address?
RapporteraIt should be here.
Remember that today we don't have practice. Tomorrow you can come to practice at 19:00 in Stiga and then on Wednesday we practice as normal in Bolhuset.
We cannot practice today, Stiga is booked for another event. I just got to know from the Div2 players, so we will see each other tomorrow as usual in Bollhuset.