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Croatia Göteborg
Följ oss för uppdateringarSeriesegrare 2022
Rapportera01.11.2024 13:10 (38 min)
dokumentarna emisija, S01E01 (R)
Švedski otok Gotland poznat je turistima po dugim plažama i gradu Visbyju s drevnim ruševinama i zidinama. No manje je poznato kako ovaj baltički otok čuva izuzetno dobro očuvane 92 srednjovjekovne crkve. Tragom njihove prošlosti otkriva se kako je ovaj otok postao mjesto susreta kršćana iz mnogih dijelova svijeta. Ovo je samo mali prozor u doba puno ljepote, misterija i vjere. Gotland krije tajnu dubokih nordijskih kršćanskih korijena, tajnu koju ovaj film nastoji razotkriti i proširiti.
Muslim woman with a knife causes panic on Amsterdam subway. We don’t have to get used to this. https://pic.x.com/BXNe5igmbT
Muslim woman with a knife causes panic on Amsterdam subway. We don’t have to get used to this. https://pic.x.com/BXNe5igmbT
Muslim woman with a knife causes panic on Amsterdam subway. We don’t have to get used to this. https://pic.x.com/BXNe5igmbT
Filipperbrevet (2,6-11)
RapporteraKristus, Guds tjener
Han som er i Guds skikkelse, *
aktet det ikke for rov å være Gud lik.
Men han gav avkall på seg selv, *
tok en tjeners skikkelse og kom i menneskers lignelse.
Som et menneske var han å se til, *
han ydmyket seg selv, ble lydig inntil døden,
ja, døden på et kors.
Derfor har også Gud opphøyet ham, *
og skjenket ham navnet over alle navn,
for at hvert et kne i Jesu navn skal bøye seg, *
i himmelen, på jorden og under jorden,
og hver en tunge skal bekjenne til Gud Faders ære: *
Jesus Kristus er Herre!
Ære være Faderen og Sønnen *
og den Hellige And,
som det var i opphavet, så nå og alltid *
og i all evighet. Amen.
Två blinda botas
Rapportera27 Då Jesus gick därifrån följde två blinda efter honom och ropade: ˮFörbarma dig över oss, Davids son!ˮ 28 När han kom in i huset gick de fram till honom, och Jesus frågade dem: ˮTror ni att jag kan göra detta?ˮ De svarade: ˮJa, Herre.ˮ 29 Då rörde han vid deras ögon och sa: ˮNi tror, och det ska ske.ˮ 30 Och deras ögon öppnades. Jesus sa strängt till dem: ˮSe till att ingen får veta detta.ˮ 31 Men de gick ut och spred ryktet om honom i hela den trakten.
En stum demon kastas ut
32 Medan de var på väg ut hände sig att en man som var stum och besatt fördes till Jesus. 33 Och när demonen hade kastats ut talade den stumme. Folket häpnade och sa: ˮAldrig har man sett något liknande i Israel.ˮ 34 Men fariseerna sa: ˮDet är med demonernas härskare som han kastar ut demonerna.ˮ
Två blinda botas
Rapportera27 Då Jesus gick därifrån följde två blinda efter honom och ropade: ˮFörbarma dig över oss, Davids son!ˮ 28 När han kom in i huset gick de fram till honom, och Jesus frågade dem: ˮTror ni att jag kan göra detta?ˮ De svarade: ˮJa, Herre.ˮ 29 Då rörde han vid deras ögon och sa: ˮNi tror, och det ska ske.ˮ 30 Och deras ögon öppnades. Jesus sa strängt till dem: ˮSe till att ingen får veta detta.ˮ 31 Men de gick ut och spred ryktet om honom i hela den trakten.
En stum demon kastas ut
32 Medan de var på väg ut hände sig att en man som var stum och besatt fördes till Jesus. 33 Och när demonen hade kastats ut talade den stumme. Folket häpnade och sa: ˮAldrig har man sett något liknande i Israel.ˮ 34 Men fariseerna sa: ˮDet är med demonernas härskare som han kastar ut demonerna.ˮ
Två blinda botas
Rapportera27 Då Jesus gick därifrån följde två blinda efter honom och ropade: ˮFörbarma dig över oss, Davids son!ˮ 28 När han kom in i huset gick de fram till honom, och Jesus frågade dem: ˮTror ni att jag kan göra detta?ˮ De svarade: ˮJa, Herre.ˮ 29 Då rörde han vid deras ögon och sa: ˮNi tror, och det ska ske.ˮ 30 Och deras ögon öppnades. Jesus sa strängt till dem: ˮSe till att ingen får veta detta.ˮ 31 Men de gick ut och spred ryktet om honom i hela den trakten.
En stum demon kastas ut
32 Medan de var på väg ut hände sig att en man som var stum och besatt fördes till Jesus. 33 Och när demonen hade kastats ut talade den stumme. Folket häpnade och sa: ˮAldrig har man sett något liknande i Israel.ˮ 34 Men fariseerna sa: ˮDet är med demonernas härskare som han kastar ut demonerna.ˮ
Två blinda botas
Rapportera27 Då Jesus gick därifrån följde två blinda efter honom och ropade: ˮFörbarma dig över oss, Davids son!ˮ 28 När han kom in i huset gick de fram till honom, och Jesus frågade dem: ˮTror ni att jag kan göra detta?ˮ De svarade: ˮJa, Herre.ˮ 29 Då rörde han vid deras ögon och sa: ˮNi tror, och det ska ske.ˮ 30 Och deras ögon öppnades. Jesus sa strängt till dem: ˮSe till att ingen får veta detta.ˮ 31 Men de gick ut och spred ryktet om honom i hela den trakten.
En stum demon kastas ut
32 Medan de var på väg ut hände sig att en man som var stum och besatt fördes till Jesus. 33 Och när demonen hade kastats ut talade den stumme. Folket häpnade och sa: ˮAldrig har man sett något liknande i Israel.ˮ 34 Men fariseerna sa: ˮDet är med demonernas härskare som han kastar ut demonerna.ˮ
Remember while lslamic regime was killing women for refusing Hijab, Iran had a chair in human rights forum of UN. https://pic.x.com/RUfGvcoxnG
Replying to @AzatAlsalim
“Love the Madonna and Pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” ~ Saint Padre Pio https://pic.x.com/64FpYIaLEI
If you are celebrating Christ the King tomorrow, 24.11 https://pic.x.com/O5DRNDETHShttps://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1860574200718573944
Remember while lslamic regime was killing women for refusing Hijab, Iran had a chair in human rights forum of UN. https://pic.x.com/RUfGvcoxnG
Replying to @AzatAlsalim
“Love the Madonna and Pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” ~ Saint Padre Pio https://pic.x.com/64FpYIaLEI
If you are celebrating Christ the King tomorrow, 24.11 https://pic.x.com/O5DRNDETHShttps://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1860574200718573944
Remember while lslamic regime was killing women for refusing Hijab, Iran had a chair in human rights forum of UN. https://pic.x.com/RUfGvcoxnG
Replying to @AzatAlsalim
“Love the Madonna and Pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” ~ Saint Padre Pio https://pic.x.com/64FpYIaLEI
If you are celebrating Christ the King tomorrow, 24.11 https://pic.x.com/O5DRNDETHShttps://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1860574200718573944
Remember while lslamic regime was killing women for refusing Hijab, Iran had a chair in human rights forum of UN. https://pic.x.com/RUfGvcoxnG
Replying to @AzatAlsalim
“Love the Madonna and Pray the Rosary, for her Rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today. All graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” ~ Saint Padre Pio https://pic.x.com/64FpYIaLEI
If you are celebrating Christ the King tomorrow, 24.11 https://pic.x.com/O5DRNDETHShttps://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1860574200718573944
na laudato tv na instagramu stori vidila krstenu naruknicu istrianka hr manuela iz pule javila se je momku iz zg niti slike ni tribala da vidi book avijon i dosla isli na pice u zg skupa i posle 4 mjeseci se vincali u SV ANTUNA zupi zg fra stijepan bija prisutan on ni bija niti zupnika tada kada su se oni nasli posle je fra stijepan dobija poziv za zupnik i ti isti bija na njihovom vincanju i cila zajednica KAMENITA VRATA su bili prisustni prekrasni par slusam sada priko LAUDATO TV koju iman tako vesela sam da iman krstenu emisiju LAUDATO TV I MEDIJA
Manela i robert krstanovic zagreba istrianka hr i purger zg mladi par kristanovic
RapporteraOPASAN https://x.com/realMaalouf/status/1862266775502508274
Foros Virgen María
✅ Jesús y María entregaron tres sacramentales a María Julia Jahenny para #protección durante la #tribulación.
La bretona #MaríaJuliaJahenny recibió revelaciones de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de la Virgen María, y de la corte celestial entre 1870 hasta su muerte en 1941.
Fue una https://pic.x.com/h9HE61lC4I
Replying to @forosvirgen
Foros Virgen María
✅ Jesús y María entregaron tres sacramentales a María Julia Jahenny para #protección durante la #tribulación.
La bretona #MaríaJuliaJahenny recibió revelaciones de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de la Virgen María, y de la corte celestial entre 1870 hasta su muerte en 1941.
Fue una https://pic.x.com/h9HE61lC4I
Replying to @forosvirgen
RapporteraO ärorika helgon
Andreas, du var den förste som kände igen och följde Guds Lamm.
Tillsammans med din vän, S:t Johannes, stannade du hos Jesus den första dagen, hela ditt liv och i all evighet.
Bildresultat för böner till aposteln S:t Andreas
Precis som du ledde din broder St. Petrus, Kristus och
många andra efter honom leder oss till honom.
Den lär oss att leda andra till Kristus enbart av kärlek till dem och hängivenhet till hans tjänst.
Hjälp oss att lära oss korsets läxa och att bära våra dagliga kors utan förebråelser så att de leder oss till Jesus.
RapporteraO ärorika helgon
Andreas, du var den förste som kände igen och följde Guds Lamm.
Tillsammans med din vän, S:t Johannes, stannade du hos Jesus den första dagen, hela ditt liv och i all evighet.
Bildresultat för böner till aposteln S:t Andreas
Precis som du ledde din broder St. Petrus, Kristus och
många andra efter honom leder oss till honom.
Den lär oss att leda andra till Kristus enbart av kärlek till dem och hängivenhet till hans tjänst.
Hjälp oss att lära oss korsets läxa och att bära våra dagliga kors utan förebråelser så att de leder oss till Jesus.
RapporteraO ärorika helgon
Andreas, du var den förste som kände igen och följde Guds Lamm.
Tillsammans med din vän, S:t Johannes, stannade du hos Jesus den första dagen, hela ditt liv och i all evighet.
Bildresultat för böner till aposteln S:t Andreas
Precis som du ledde din broder St. Petrus, Kristus och
många andra efter honom leder oss till honom.
Den lär oss att leda andra till Kristus enbart av kärlek till dem och hängivenhet till hans tjänst.
Hjälp oss att lära oss korsets läxa och att bära våra dagliga kors utan förebråelser så att de leder oss till Jesus. AMEN BÖN SOM BES 15 DAGAR FRAM TILL JULDAGEN FRÅN 1 ADVENT TILLOCHMED JESUS FÖDELSEDAG .
RapporteraO ärorika helgon
Andreas, du var den förste som kände igen och följde Guds Lamm.
Tillsammans med din vän, S:t Johannes, stannade du hos Jesus den första dagen, hela ditt liv och i all evighet.
Bildresultat för böner till aposteln S:t Andreas
Precis som du ledde din broder St. Petrus, Kristus och
många andra efter honom leder oss till honom.
Den lär oss att leda andra till Kristus enbart av kärlek till dem och hängivenhet till hans tjänst.
Hjälp oss att lära oss korsets läxa och att bära våra dagliga kors utan förebråelser så att de leder oss till Jesus. AMEN BÖN SOM BES 15 DAGAR FRAM TILL JULDAGEN FRÅN 1 ADVENT TILLOCHMED JESUS FÖDELSEDAG .
FÅFÄNGDA BLIR INTE 91 år som toka ukalovic sukosane dalmacia croazia
BRANKO LUSTIG to je nas hrvatski zidovski OSCAR DOBITAC redizer on je zivija u NY dobija je OSCARS za svoje filmove
kristna äter kål fisk pasta potatis ris kåldolmar pita med kål och cheddar och har julkrubba vi är inte fåfängda de har korta ben och ingen blackfriday error vuddoo tomtar har tattaren samen och muslimen de som ej är döpta
julafton är fastetider vi äter surt salt men ej SÖTT inte vi kristna på julafton fisk och kål i alla dess former men har ej barnarbete av asiatiska fattiga barn plastleksaker och plastgran och tomtar är tattar same vudooo det har inte vi kristna men elitrotary / tattaren /samen är ej döpta de håller på blackfriday och är fåfängda blindeed som bratzen !
AF Post
Russia outlaws Satanic Temple, deeming it “undesirable” and blasphemous of traditional religious imagery.
Follow: @AFpost https://pic.x.com/lXsEsE1N1ohttps://pic.x.com/lXsEsE1N1o
Replying to @AFpost
Zajedno uz fra Stjepana Brčinu Ti koji si opterećen- ne boj se svojih suza, ne boj se biti slab…, ustani i budi jak 💪🔥
🎥 Laudato TV
CroExpress - informativni medij Hrvata izvan Republike Hrvatske https://fb.watch/whOONOul6j/ via @FacebookWatch
AF Post
Russia outlaws Satanic Temple, deeming it “undesirable” and blasphemous of traditional religious imagery.
Follow: @AFpost https://pic.x.com/lXsEsE1N1ohttps://pic.x.com/lXsEsE1N1o
Replying to @AFpost
Zajedno uz fra Stjepana Brčinu Ti koji si opterećen- ne boj se svojih suza, ne boj se biti slab…, ustani i budi jak 💪🔥
🎥 Laudato TV
CroExpress - informativni medij Hrvata izvan Republike Hrvatske https://fb.watch/whOONOul6j/ via @FacebookWatch
vi kristna fastar julafton de som inte är sjuka barn från 16 tom de lite äldre tom 65 år vi äter kött på juldagen alla rätter med kål och fisk blir det på julafton : DUBROVNIK BLEV ANFALLEN PÅ SANCTA NIKOLAUSDAGEN : https://x.com/Petar216/status/1467830244157661189
RapporteraNa dan sv. Nikole 6.12.1991. Dubrovnik je doživio najgore ratno razarnje u svojoj višestoljetnoj povijesti
Stara gradska jezgra nije pošteđena unatoč činjenici što je bila pod zaštitom UNESCO-a
"Ako bude trebalo, napravit ćemo još ljepši i stariji Dubrovnik." ~ Božidar Vučurević
vi kristna fastar julafton de som inte är sjuka barn från 16 tom de lite äldre tom 65 år vi äter kött på juldagen alla rätter med kål och fisk blir det på julafton : DUBROVNIK BLEV ANFALLEN PÅ SANCTA NIKOLAUSDAGEN : https://x.com/Petar216/status/1467830244157661189
RapporteraNa dan sv. Nikole 6.12.1991. Dubrovnik je doživio najgore ratno razarnje u svojoj višestoljetnoj povijesti
Stara gradska jezgra nije pošteđena unatoč činjenici što je bila pod zaštitom UNESCO-a
"Ako bude trebalo, napravit ćemo još ljepši i stariji Dubrovnik." ~ Božidar Vučurević
SVETI NIKOLA JE ZASTITNICE DJECICE I MORNARA zato se ga nosi selima dalmacije na kako nase zaspane zadnja pratnja do sahrane samo oni su svetci mi nismo jos moramo raditi na svojem krizu do zaspanja tako ja to kapiram TE DEUM
RapporteraIslamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria. https://pic.x.com/S1FUluJiie
Replying to @THEREALJEW613
Nobody in the pro-life movement has any interest in “controlling women’s bodies”. We’re literally just trying to ensure babies don’t get k!lled. https://pic.x.com/CKeG9EATQs
Replying to @LoisMcLatch
Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. Judith 15:10V. You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor of our people. Alleluia, alleluia. Cant. 4:7 V. You are all-beautiful, O Mary, and there is in you no stain of original sin. Alleluia.
RapporteraIslamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria. https://pic.x.com/S1FUluJiie
Replying to @THEREALJEW613
Nobody in the pro-life movement has any interest in “controlling women’s bodies”. We’re literally just trying to ensure babies don’t get k!lled. https://pic.x.com/CKeG9EATQs
Replying to @LoisMcLatch
Blessed are you, O Virgin Mary, by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth. Judith 15:10V. You are the glory of Jerusalem, you are the joy of Israel, you are the honor of our people. Alleluia, alleluia. Cant. 4:7 V. You are all-beautiful, O Mary, and there is in you no stain of original sin. Alleluia.
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, which commemorates the miraculous translation of the Holy House, the home of the Holy Family, brought by angels from Nazareth to the Italian town of Loreto, via the Dalmatian coast.
RapporteraGloriosæ Virginis in Laureto, Ora pro nobis https://pic.x.com/4XVLUD1CDY
You should know this as a Catholic https://pic.x.com/w754AWQNX9
he Holy House of Loreto, Mary's childhood home, miraculously moved from the Middle East to Italy. https://pic.x.com/dlQqnbYXYh
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, which commemorates the miraculous translation of the Holy House, the home of the Holy Family, brought by angels from Nazareth to the Italian town of Loreto, via the Dalmatian coast.
RapporteraGloriosæ Virginis in Laureto, Ora pro nobis https://pic.x.com/4XVLUD1CDY
You should know this as a Catholic https://pic.x.com/w754AWQNX9
he Holy House of Loreto, Mary's childhood home, miraculously moved from the Middle East to Italy. https://pic.x.com/dlQqnbYXYh
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, which commemorates the miraculous translation of the Holy House, the home of the Holy Family, brought by angels from Nazareth to the Italian town of Loreto, via the Dalmatian coast.
RapporteraGloriosæ Virginis in Laureto, Ora pro nobis https://pic.x.com/4XVLUD1CDY
You should know this as a Catholic https://pic.x.com/w754AWQNX9
he Holy House of Loreto, Mary's childhood home, miraculously moved from the Middle East to Italy. https://pic.x.com/dlQqnbYXYh
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto, which commemorates the miraculous translation of the Holy House, the home of the Holy Family, brought by angels from Nazareth to the Italian town of Loreto, via the Dalmatian coast.
RapporteraGloriosæ Virginis in Laureto, Ora pro nobis https://pic.x.com/4XVLUD1CDY
You should know this as a Catholic https://pic.x.com/w754AWQNX9
he Holy House of Loreto, Mary's childhood home, miraculously moved from the Middle East to Italy. https://pic.x.com/dlQqnbYXYh
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
RapporteraVenerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
️Rev. Vitus
Visit the thread below 👇 and retweet https://pic.x.com/wCP8QEboCi
Replying to @samolucija9 and @TaylorRMarshall
"Do you Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?" Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast #Catholic #OurLadyOfGuadalupe https://pic.x.com/lxb9VWxqyy
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
RapporteraVenerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
️Rev. Vitus
Visit the thread below 👇 and retweet https://pic.x.com/wCP8QEboCi
Replying to @samolucija9 and @TaylorRMarshall
"Do you Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?" Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast #Catholic #OurLadyOfGuadalupe https://pic.x.com/lxb9VWxqyy
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
RapporteraVenerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
️Rev. Vitus
Visit the thread below 👇 and retweet https://pic.x.com/wCP8QEboCi
Replying to @samolucija9 and @TaylorRMarshall
"Do you Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?" Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast #Catholic #OurLadyOfGuadalupe https://pic.x.com/lxb9VWxqyy
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
RapporteraVenerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
️Rev. Vitus
Visit the thread below 👇 and retweet https://pic.x.com/wCP8QEboCi
Replying to @samolucija9 and @TaylorRMarshall
"Do you Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe?" Dr Taylor Marshall Podcast #Catholic #OurLadyOfGuadalupe https://pic.x.com/lxb9VWxqyy
The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host.
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen https://pic.x.com/8GSyrX9KYg
Muslim cleric in America: Having sex with a 9-year-old girl if she is able to get pregnant is not considered sexual harassment and is permissible in Islam. Do you still believe that Islam is compatible with Western culture, values and laws? What is your comment? https://pic.x.com/01p0i69rqr
RapporteraMuslim in Britain explaining Islam: “We have to fight the Jews and Christians BECAUSE they are Jews and Christians”. Is this what a religion of peace, love and diversity looks like?
Disappoint Satan by typing: I Adore You, Jesus!
I ADORE YOU JESUS ! He left his home, the mosque,
Muslim cleric in America: Having sex with a 9-year-old girl if she is able to get pregnant is not considered sexual harassment and is permissible in Islam. Do you still believe that Islam is compatible with Western culture, values and laws? What is your comment? https://pic.x.com/01p0i69rqr
RapporteraMuslim in Britain explaining Islam: “We have to fight the Jews and Christians BECAUSE they are Jews and Christians”. Is this what a religion of peace, love and diversity looks like?
Disappoint Satan by typing: I Adore You, Jesus!
I ADORE YOU JESUS ! He left his home, the mosque,
Muslim cleric in America: Having sex with a 9-year-old girl if she is able to get pregnant is not considered sexual harassment and is permissible in Islam. Do you still believe that Islam is compatible with Western culture, values and laws? What is your comment? https://pic.x.com/01p0i69rqr
RapporteraMuslim in Britain explaining Islam: “We have to fight the Jews and Christians BECAUSE they are Jews and Christians”. Is this what a religion of peace, love and diversity looks like?
Disappoint Satan by typing: I Adore You, Jesus!
I ADORE YOU JESUS ! He left his home, the mosque,
Women in Europe are not safe. https://pic.x.com/8QcJEDXngU
RapporteraBritish Islamic scholar says, "Celebrating Christmas is
What do you think?
"https://tiktok.com/@bishopmarmarispeaks/video/7446191794716560670" data-video-id="7446191794716560670" styl
Women in Europe are not safe. https://pic.x.com/8QcJEDXngU
RapporteraBritish Islamic scholar says, "Celebrating Christmas is
What do you think?
"https://tiktok.com/@bishopmarmarispeaks/video/7446191794716560670" data-video-id="7446191794716560670" styl
Women in Europe are not safe. https://pic.x.com/8QcJEDXngU
RapporteraBritish Islamic scholar says, "Celebrating Christmas is
What do you think?
"https://tiktok.com/@bishopmarmarispeaks/video/7446191794716560670" data-video-id="7446191794716560670" styl
Women in Europe are not safe. https://pic.x.com/8QcJEDXngU
RapporteraBritish Islamic scholar says, "Celebrating Christmas is
What do you think?
"https://tiktok.com/@bishopmarmarispeaks/video/7446191794716560670" data-video-id="7446191794716560670" styl
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraCHINA AND INDIA CLASSIFIED ISLAM TO BE an mental illness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RapporteraOvaj dječak se zove Luka Modrić. Četnici su mu ubili djeda u
Domovinskome ratu, a on je bio u progonstvu. Tog dječaka, FIFA je
kasnije proglasila najboljim nogometašem svijeta. Nevjerojatno.
Yuval, a survivor of the Nova Music Festival on October 7th: “I saw my
husband dead. I covered myself with his blood so they'd think we were
dead. We saw point-blank killings. The hardest thing we witnessed was
the rape. I never heard cries for help like those from that woman."
RapporteraOvaj dječak se zove Luka Modrić. Četnici su mu ubili djeda u
Domovinskome ratu, a on je bio u progonstvu. Tog dječaka, FIFA je
kasnije proglasila najboljim nogometašem svijeta. Nevjerojatno.
Yuval, a survivor of the Nova Music Festival on October 7th: “I saw my
husband dead. I covered myself with his blood so they'd think we were
dead. We saw point-blank killings. The hardest thing we witnessed was
the rape. I never heard cries for help like those from that woman."
RapporteraOvaj dječak se zove Luka Modrić. Četnici su mu ubili djeda u
Domovinskome ratu, a on je bio u progonstvu. Tog dječaka, FIFA je
kasnije proglasila najboljim nogometašem svijeta. Nevjerojatno.
Yuval, a survivor of the Nova Music Festival on October 7th: “I saw my
husband dead. I covered myself with his blood so they'd think we were
dead. We saw point-blank killings. The hardest thing we witnessed was
the rape. I never heard cries for help like those from that woman."
Muslims put my picture and the Swedish flag in the streets and throw stones at them.
RapporteraWhy do Muslims hate me so much? https://pic.x.com/HBPHQqPwts
Replying to @Salwan_Momika1
. ✨�<🌹text-decoration: none; white-space: inherit; overflow-wrap: break-word; min-width: 0px; text-overflow: unset;"> https://pic.x.com/cXcyhl64QW
Ingen fil vald
Muslims put my picture and the Swedish flag in the streets and throw stones at them.
RapporteraWhy do Muslims hate me so much? https://pic.x.com/HBPHQqPwts
Replying to @Salwan_Momika1
. ✨�<🌹text-decoration: none; white-space: inherit; overflow-wrap: break-word; min-width: 0px; text-overflow: unset;"> https://pic.x.com/cXcyhl64QW
Ingen fil vald
RapporteraDon't Plant Your Seeds Among Thorns: A Catholic's Guide to Recognizing and Healing from Domestic Abuse https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/seedsamongthorns/…
We Catholics literally call the birthday of Jesus Christ “CHRISTmass”. Try again (at least try with a better anti-Catholic screed.) https://pic.x.com/56Gh5i49JY
A Coptic priest had warned Germany about the dangers of uncontrolled Islamist immigration: “Christians were once the rulers of Egypt, today we’re struggling to survive. If Germans and Europeans don’t act now, they will lose their homeland too!” https://pic.x.com/QqcWb4lmX2
RapporteraDon't Plant Your Seeds Among Thorns: A Catholic's Guide to Recognizing and Healing from Domestic Abuse https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/seedsamongthorns/…
We Catholics literally call the birthday of Jesus Christ “CHRISTmass”. Try again (at least try with a better anti-Catholic screed.) https://pic.x.com/56Gh5i49JY
A Coptic priest had warned Germany about the dangers of uncontrolled Islamist immigration: “Christians were once the rulers of Egypt, today we’re struggling to survive. If Germans and Europeans don’t act now, they will lose their homeland too!” https://pic.x.com/QqcWb4lmX2
India starts demolishing mosques where incitement is taking place, can the West take the same step? https://pic.x.com/oRZMyIeYt4
RapporteraReplying to @Salwan_Momika1
India starts demolishing mosques where incitement is taking place, can the West take the same step? https://pic.x.com/oRZMyIeYt4
RapporteraReplying to @Salwan_Momika1
Should Islam be outlawed as a mental illness across the west? https://pic.x.com/b6W7KZttZL
RapporteraYES like in china india and russia !
Vlč. Dražen Radigović - Kako se boriti s razočaranjem,depresijom i tjesk... https://youtu.be/Olz36CcoLw0?si=hRycwAIIjRz0n2BF via @YouTube
Should Islam be outlawed as a mental illness across the west? https://pic.x.com/b6W7KZttZL
RapporteraYES like in china india and russia !
Vlč. Dražen Radigović - Kako se boriti s razočaranjem,depresijom i tjesk... https://youtu.be/Olz36CcoLw0?si=hRycwAIIjRz0n2BF via @YouTube
Watch: Muslims beheaded Christian priests and then raped and tortured nuns to death in order to please Allah (Islam’s god) with human sacrifices.
RapporteraThe UN and media are silent to avoid damaging Islam’s image as a “religion of peace”.
Please retweet!
Link: https://memri.org/reports/christmas-where-outrage-jihadi-persecution-african-christians-continues-%E2%80%93-torching-churches https://pic.x.com/0VAKaR86T0
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
Show moreUNREAL A Slovenian politicians tells that he received threats after warning about infiltration from Qatar. https://pic.x.com/g7O40sM9EU
Watch: Muslims beheaded Christian priests and then raped and tortured nuns to death in order to please Allah (Islam’s god) with human sacrifices.
RapporteraThe UN and media are silent to avoid damaging Islam’s image as a “religion of peace”.
Please retweet!
Link: https://memri.org/reports/christmas-where-outrage-jihadi-persecution-african-christians-continues-%E2%80%93-torching-churches https://pic.x.com/0VAKaR86T0
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
Show moreUNREAL A Slovenian politicians tells that he received threats after warning about infiltration from Qatar. https://pic.x.com/g7O40sM9EU
Watch: Muslims beheaded Christian priests and then raped and tortured nuns to death in order to please Allah (Islam’s god) with human sacrifices.
RapporteraThe UN and media are silent to avoid damaging Islam’s image as a “religion of peace”.
Please retweet!
Link: https://memri.org/reports/christmas-where-outrage-jihadi-persecution-african-christians-continues-%E2%80%93-torching-churches https://pic.x.com/0VAKaR86T0
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
Show moreUNREAL A Slovenian politicians tells that he received threats after warning about infiltration from Qatar. https://pic.x.com/g7O40sM9EU
Watch: Muslims beheaded Christian priests and then raped and tortured nuns to death in order to please Allah (Islam’s god) with human sacrifices.
RapporteraThe UN and media are silent to avoid damaging Islam’s image as a “religion of peace”.
Please retweet!
Link: https://memri.org/reports/christmas-where-outrage-jihadi-persecution-african-christians-continues-%E2%80%93-torching-churches https://pic.x.com/0VAKaR86T0
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
Show moreUNREAL A Slovenian politicians tells that he received threats after warning about infiltration from Qatar. https://pic.x.com/g7O40sM9EU
BREAKING: Two women killed and two more seriously injured after mass stabbing in Britain on Christmas day.
RapporteraA dog was also killed in the attack.
Replying to @PeterSweden7
Western media outlets, human right activities and the UN are all silent as Turkish-backed Jihadists behead regime opponents to provide human sacrifices for the sake of Allah (god of Islam). https://pic.x.com/zElzQUtz6Q
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
BREAKING: Two women killed and two more seriously injured after mass stabbing in Britain on Christmas day.
RapporteraA dog was also killed in the attack.
Replying to @PeterSweden7
Western media outlets, human right activities and the UN are all silent as Turkish-backed Jihadists behead regime opponents to provide human sacrifices for the sake of Allah (god of Islam). https://pic.x.com/zElzQUtz6Q
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
BREAKING: Two women killed and two more seriously injured after mass stabbing in Britain on Christmas day.
RapporteraA dog was also killed in the attack.
Replying to @PeterSweden7
Western media outlets, human right activities and the UN are all silent as Turkish-backed Jihadists behead regime opponents to provide human sacrifices for the sake of Allah (god of Islam). https://pic.x.com/zElzQUtz6Q
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
BREAKING: Two women killed and two more seriously injured after mass stabbing in Britain on Christmas day.
RapporteraA dog was also killed in the attack.
Replying to @PeterSweden7
Western media outlets, human right activities and the UN are all silent as Turkish-backed Jihadists behead regime opponents to provide human sacrifices for the sake of Allah (god of Islam). https://pic.x.com/zElzQUtz6Q
Replying to @LizaRosen0000
"Bethlehem= House of Bread Manger= Feeding Trough Jesus=“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Protestants= “It’s just a symbol, dude. Y’all are cannibals, pagans & idolaters.” Catholics= https://t.co/NLlLonolF3" / X
Lebanon is not Arab. The Maronites are indigenous to the land of Lebanon. Israel is not Arab. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. Lebanese and Jews are the true natives of the land. I am a Lebanese Maronite and I Stand With Israel https://pic.x.com/Tzukrv7Gbg
In an Advent message Pope Francis had sent to University of Bethlehem students, the Holy Father calls on them to entrust everything to Jesus and to always safeguard their "precious gift of faith."
Read more: https://loom.ly/JKPeSGM
"Bethlehem= House of Bread Manger= Feeding Trough Jesus=“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Protestants= “It’s just a symbol, dude. Y’all are cannibals, pagans & idolaters.” Catholics= https://t.co/NLlLonolF3" / X
Lebanon is not Arab. The Maronites are indigenous to the land of Lebanon. Israel is not Arab. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. Lebanese and Jews are the true natives of the land. I am a Lebanese Maronite and I Stand With Israel https://pic.x.com/Tzukrv7Gbg
In an Advent message Pope Francis had sent to University of Bethlehem students, the Holy Father calls on them to entrust everything to Jesus and to always safeguard their "precious gift of faith."
Read more: https://loom.ly/JKPeSGM
"Bethlehem= House of Bread Manger= Feeding Trough Jesus=“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Protestants= “It’s just a symbol, dude. Y’all are cannibals, pagans & idolaters.” Catholics= https://t.co/NLlLonolF3" / X
Lebanon is not Arab. The Maronites are indigenous to the land of Lebanon. Israel is not Arab. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. Lebanese and Jews are the true natives of the land. I am a Lebanese Maronite and I Stand With Israel https://pic.x.com/Tzukrv7Gbg
In an Advent message Pope Francis had sent to University of Bethlehem students, the Holy Father calls on them to entrust everything to Jesus and to always safeguard their "precious gift of faith."
Read more: https://loom.ly/JKPeSGM
"Bethlehem= House of Bread Manger= Feeding Trough Jesus=“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” Protestants= “It’s just a symbol, dude. Y’all are cannibals, pagans & idolaters.” Catholics= https://t.co/NLlLonolF3" / X
Lebanon is not Arab. The Maronites are indigenous to the land of Lebanon. Israel is not Arab. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel. Lebanese and Jews are the true natives of the land. I am a Lebanese Maronite and I Stand With Israel https://pic.x.com/Tzukrv7Gbg
In an Advent message Pope Francis had sent to University of Bethlehem students, the Holy Father calls on them to entrust everything to Jesus and to always safeguard their "precious gift of faith."
Read more: https://loom.ly/JKPeSGM
Bug Hall
Protestants do not worship God. They venerate themselves. "Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord... And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." https://pic.x.com/7cfBrFWYQi
Replying to @Bug_Hall
Sachin Jose
Dec 31, 2024
Protestants often claim that Catholics don't read the Bible.
Meanwhile, here is Scott Hahn's Bible—once a Protestant, now a Catholic convert—filled with extensive notes.
Bug Hall
Protestants do not worship God. They venerate themselves. "Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord... And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." https://pic.x.com/7cfBrFWYQi
Replying to @Bug_Hall
Sachin Jose
Dec 31, 2024
Protestants often claim that Catholics don't read the Bible.
Meanwhile, here is Scott Hahn's Bible—once a Protestant, now a Catholic convert—filled with extensive notes.
Bug Hall
Protestants do not worship God. They venerate themselves. "Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord... And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." https://pic.x.com/7cfBrFWYQi
Replying to @Bug_Hall
Sachin Jose
Dec 31, 2024
Protestants often claim that Catholics don't read the Bible.
Meanwhile, here is Scott Hahn's Bible—once a Protestant, now a Catholic convert—filled with extensive notes.
Bug Hall
Protestants do not worship God. They venerate themselves. "Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord... And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." https://pic.x.com/7cfBrFWYQi
Replying to @Bug_Hall
Sachin Jose
Dec 31, 2024
Protestants often claim that Catholics don't read the Bible.
Meanwhile, here is Scott Hahn's Bible—once a Protestant, now a Catholic convert—filled with extensive notes.
Exorcist of the Diocese of Nashville says most of the cases he has are not Catholics. Protestant pastors send their parishioners to the Catholic Church for deliverance from demonic spirits. https://pic.x.com/KTVhIo3Csj
RapporteraReplying to @thattradgal
This is what the George Soros-World Economic Forum ‘Replacement Migration Policies’ looks like in full effect. Today, Soros was nominated for a Presidential ‘Medal of Freedom’. You can’t make this up. Lol. https://pic.x.com/2wn74OLq8E
Exorcist of the Diocese of Nashville says most of the cases he has are not Catholics. Protestant pastors send their parishioners to the Catholic Church for deliverance from demonic spirits. https://pic.x.com/KTVhIo3Csj
RapporteraReplying to @thattradgal
This is what the George Soros-World Economic Forum ‘Replacement Migration Policies’ looks like in full effect. Today, Soros was nominated for a Presidential ‘Medal of Freedom’. You can’t make this up. Lol. https://pic.x.com/2wn74OLq8E
Exorcist of the Diocese of Nashville says most of the cases he has are not Catholics. Protestant pastors send their parishioners to the Catholic Church for deliverance from demonic spirits. https://pic.x.com/KTVhIo3Csj
RapporteraReplying to @thattradgal
This is what the George Soros-World Economic Forum ‘Replacement Migration Policies’ looks like in full effect. Today, Soros was nominated for a Presidential ‘Medal of Freedom’. You can’t make this up. Lol. https://pic.x.com/2wn74OLq8E
Exorcist of the Diocese of Nashville says most of the cases he has are not Catholics. Protestant pastors send their parishioners to the Catholic Church for deliverance from demonic spirits. https://pic.x.com/KTVhIo3Csj
RapporteraReplying to @thattradgal
This is what the George Soros-World Economic Forum ‘Replacement Migration Policies’ looks like in full effect. Today, Soros was nominated for a Presidential ‘Medal of Freedom’. You can’t make this up. Lol. https://pic.x.com/2wn74OLq8E
Christ as our ONLY Lord and Savior is really no Church at all. Bishop Eleganti: The Bride Who is No Longer in Love with Christ https://complicitclergy.com/2025/01/10/bishop-eleganti-the-bride-who-is-no-longer-in-love-with-christ/…
Rapportera"The family that prays together stays together" "A world at prayer is a world at peace." — Fr. Patrick Peyton
Christ as our ONLY Lord and Savior is really no Church at all. Bishop Eleganti: The Bride Who is No Longer in Love with Christ https://complicitclergy.com/2025/01/10/bishop-eleganti-the-bride-who-is-no-longer-in-love-with-christ/…
Rapportera"The family that prays together stays together" "A world at prayer is a world at peace." — Fr. Patrick Peyton
Christ as our ONLY Lord and Savior is really no Church at all. Bishop Eleganti: The Bride Who is No Longer in Love with Christ https://complicitclergy.com/2025/01/10/bishop-eleganti-the-bride-who-is-no-longer-in-love-with-christ/…
Rapportera"The family that prays together stays together" "A world at prayer is a world at peace." — Fr. Patrick Peyton
Saint Paul makes it clear: “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
RapporteraIn contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:19-25)
Saint Paul makes it clear: “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
RapporteraIn contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:19-25)
Saint Paul makes it clear: “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
RapporteraIn contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:19-25)
Saint Paul makes it clear: “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
RapporteraIn contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:19-25)
Saint Paul makes it clear: “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outbursts of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
RapporteraIn contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:19-25)
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
A man who is serious about love will also be serious about the things that sustain it: honor, discipline, and sacrifice.
RapporteraG.K. Chesterton
billigaste kassen PRO borås PRO skickat sina 7 000 spioner med samma inköpslistor på varor pensionärsspioner affärerna visste inte när de skulle komma och vilka de är
49 years ago today, Palestinians invaded the Lebanese Christian town of Damour and massacred hundreds of civilians.
RapporteraMen were lined up against the walls of their homes and gunned down.
Women were tortured and gang-raped.
Babies were shot in the back of their heads.
Pregnant women had their babies cut out of the womb.
‘It was an apocalypse’, said Father Labaky, a priest who survived the massacre.
“They were coming in thousands, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar! Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a holocaust to Mohammad’, they were slaughtering everyone, men, women and children.”
49 years ago today, Palestinians invaded the Lebanese Christian town of Damour and massacred hundreds of civilians.
RapporteraMen were lined up against the walls of their homes and gunned down.
Women were tortured and gang-raped.
Babies were shot in the back of their heads.
Pregnant women had their babies cut out of the womb.
‘It was an apocalypse’, said Father Labaky, a priest who survived the massacre.
“They were coming in thousands, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar! Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a holocaust to Mohammad’, they were slaughtering everyone, men, women and children.”
49 years ago today, Palestinians invaded the Lebanese Christian town of Damour and massacred hundreds of civilians.
RapporteraMen were lined up against the walls of their homes and gunned down.
Women were tortured and gang-raped.
Babies were shot in the back of their heads.
Pregnant women had their babies cut out of the womb.
‘It was an apocalypse’, said Father Labaky, a priest who survived the massacre.
“They were coming in thousands, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar! Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a holocaust to Mohammad’, they were slaughtering everyone, men, women and children.”
49 years ago today, Palestinians invaded the Lebanese Christian town of Damour and massacred hundreds of civilians.
RapporteraMen were lined up against the walls of their homes and gunned down.
Women were tortured and gang-raped.
Babies were shot in the back of their heads.
Pregnant women had their babies cut out of the womb.
‘It was an apocalypse’, said Father Labaky, a priest who survived the massacre.
“They were coming in thousands, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar! Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a holocaust to Mohammad’, they were slaughtering everyone, men, women and children.”
49 years ago today, Palestinians invaded the Lebanese Christian town of Damour and massacred hundreds of civilians.
RapporteraMen were lined up against the walls of their homes and gunned down.
Women were tortured and gang-raped.
Babies were shot in the back of their heads.
Pregnant women had their babies cut out of the womb.
‘It was an apocalypse’, said Father Labaky, a priest who survived the massacre.
“They were coming in thousands, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar! Let us attack them for the Arabs, let us offer a holocaust to Mohammad’, they were slaughtering everyone, men, women and children.”
"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
Rapportera"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
Rapportera"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
Rapportera"Mia Shem returned with a shattered arm. Amit Soussana reported that her Hamas captor sexually abused her. Maya Regev testified that instead of treating her, Hamas men poured chlorine on her gunshot wound. Emily Damari returned with missing fingers. And now we learn that https://t.co/eOttAbmqY7" / X
At a pro-Palestinian rally in Australia, they chant ‘death to Australia’. In Canada, they chant ‘death to Canada’. In Germany, they chant ‘death to Germany’. In the USA, they chant ‘death to America’. Have you noticed a pattern?
A Muslim asks a Christian man about the Crusades in the Middle Ages.
Rapportera“Before the Crusades, Islam had invaded the Christian lands of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Turkey. And was trying to conquer Europe.”
Another Muslim asks about the European https://pic.x.com/6YwsTx1SjG
Replying to @realMaalouf
A Muslim asks a Christian man about the Crusades in the Middle Ages.
Rapportera“Before the Crusades, Islam had invaded the Christian lands of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Turkey. And was trying to conquer Europe.”
Another Muslim asks about the European https://pic.x.com/6YwsTx1SjG
Replying to @realMaalouf
A Muslim asks a Christian man about the Crusades in the Middle Ages.
Rapportera“Before the Crusades, Islam had invaded the Christian lands of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Turkey. And was trying to conquer Europe.”
Another Muslim asks about the European https://pic.x.com/6YwsTx1SjG
Replying to @realMaalouf
Rapporterahoroskopi su romski komunisti frimansona izum mani to error vudoo to ti je zloduh demon sve new age je frimansona erorr vudoo izum !
Rapporterahoroskopi su romski komunisti frimansona izum mani to error vudoo to ti je zloduh demon sve new age je frimansona erorr vudoo izum !
Netherlands: Four Muslims suspected in blast targeting bridal fashion store, killing six and injuring four others -
Rapporterahttps://jihadwatch.org/2025/01/netherlands-four-muslims-suspected-in-blast-targeting-bridal-fashion-store-killing-six-and-injuring-four-others https://pic.x.com/4NMXTXje6N
Replying to @jihadwatchRS
Fra Ivo Pavić - Ozdravljenje https://youtu.be/Ji21Gh7phEQ?si=EyR-6eQYYRL61AhC via @YouTube
Netherlands: Four Muslims suspected in blast targeting bridal fashion store, killing six and injuring four others -
Rapporterahttps://jihadwatch.org/2025/01/netherlands-four-muslims-suspected-in-blast-targeting-bridal-fashion-store-killing-six-and-injuring-four-others https://pic.x.com/4NMXTXje6N
Replying to @jihadwatchRS
Fra Ivo Pavić - Ozdravljenje https://youtu.be/Ji21Gh7phEQ?si=EyR-6eQYYRL61AhC via @YouTube
Netherlands: Four Muslims suspected in blast targeting bridal fashion store, killing six and injuring four others -
Rapporterahttps://jihadwatch.org/2025/01/netherlands-four-muslims-suspected-in-blast-targeting-bridal-fashion-store-killing-six-and-injuring-four-others https://pic.x.com/4NMXTXje6N
Replying to @jihadwatchRS
Fra Ivo Pavić - Ozdravljenje https://youtu.be/Ji21Gh7phEQ?si=EyR-6eQYYRL61AhC via @YouTube