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Tjena grabbar hoppas ni har haft en bra jul och nyår. Snart börjar fotbollen igen men innan dess ska vi ha ett obligatoriskt möte. Detta möte kommer handla mer om taktik och fotboll. Så väldigt viktigt att man kommer.
Mötet kommer vara på klubben den 23 januari 19.00
Inga kommande aktiviteter
Igår | Föreningsinformation |
Igår | Föreningsinformation |
Igår | Föreningsinformation |
29 jan | Föreningskundskap |
31 dec | Gott Nytt År |
Kommer inte,
Hi . I wanted to tell you what happened at the first training with Albin. Because I love and respect the Bk forward team.. We started the training and Albin wanted us to train down and play with 100% strength, knowing that this was the first training and we had not played or trained down for two months and this is a big mistake and more than one player got a muscle tear.. And in the middle of the training The exercise Albin told me to go home You are not allowed to do the exercise because you are not 100%. Knowing that I had an evening job that I quit to come to the training... and the strange thing is that he did not tell me to play hard. He directly told me to go home and that I was not allowed to continue with the training. I have been playing football for 30 years and this is the first time this has happened to me.
RapporteraWe live in Sweden.. I think this behavior is not good.. Thank you