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What a weekend! Our first games in 2022. We went to Sportmonda Bowl and played in the elite division. After going 3-3 in the group with wins against London Buttonhookers, Paris Juggernauts and Dublin Eagles, we ended up losing out on the playoffs by point differential...
In the placement game we beat Kalikakou (France team) to grab 9th and a 4-3 record! Obvoiusly not the placement we wantes but we're happy with the games and a big thank ypu for another great tournament!
Also a special thanks for @simonhornestedt who came and @hedvigpalocci who played a milion and 1 games this weekend!
The Swedish season starts next week, LETS GOOOOOO!
Träning | 5 feb, 19:30 |
Träning | 12 feb, 19:30 |
CAMP vs. Norge | 15 feb, 10:00 |
Träning | 19 feb, 19:30 |
Träning | 26 feb, 19:30 |
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